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What else could we be talking about on Talking Luft Top 6 this week other than the Giro d’Italia!
My guest on this episode of the pod is one of the many people who keep the sport looking and sounding so cool from the other side of the lens, film producer and director, Harry Dowdney.
Harry has been behind the camera in some of the most memorable cycling films of the past few years - on more than one occasion he had me dressed in retro gear retracing the steps of riders from some insane ride from another era.
More than that though, Harry is an expert cycling fan who loves the Giro – if you ever need any proof of that go and check out who is currently leading the Escape Collective Fantasy Giro competition!
The Giro is a race that people love, it sums up the feel of racing in Italy; the style, the passion, the food, the mountains, and the people – it all adds up to being a special race and it made choosing our own personal top 6 most influential things a lot of fun.
This week we had some great picks, we go through some classic editions of the race and get to discuss some of those iconic Italian mountains that we love (or hate - depending on if you’re riding). Of course, any Giro chat wouldn’t be complete without throwing in some of those larger-than-life icons of Italian cycling too. We had so much to work with – I could have done a whole pod just on our favourite Cipollini to be honest!
I was so happy to have Harry on for this pod – he clearly loves the race and his knowledge of the details of so many Giri is incredible. I was buzzing after making this one, so chuck it on when you settle down for one of those sprint stages and enjoy!

This episode is brought to you by MAAP, Australian cycling apparel that was born in Melbourne but made its mark the planet over. Kick-start your adventure at
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